
Beogradski motivi, dočarani posredstvom jedne beogradoholičarke. Ona je književnica, a zove se Neda Kovačević. Njen mejl glasi:

Вук Караџић - Мање познато о Вуку, и о Вуковом споменику

beogradska | 20 Decembar, 2014 14:28

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Сви смо видели споменик  Вуку Караџићу на углу Булевара краља Александра и Рузвелтове улице.

Али, мало ко зна занимљиву историју тога споменика. Идеја о подизању споменика јавила се још 1920. године. Покренула ју је СКЗ. Вајар Ђорђе Јовановић је 1932. године у Прагу излио бронзану фигуру. Скулптура је пренета у Београд 1933. године. По приспећу споменика у Београд заподело се питање где га поставити. Задруга и вајар Јовановић тражили су од градских власти да споменик буде у Универзитетском парку, између споменика Доситеју и Панчићу. Захтев је одбијен јер би се због уношења споменика у парк морала рушити једна од капија или део ограде. Због тога су градске власти предлагале да се он постави ван ограде парка, што су Задруга и Ђорђе Јовановић одбили. Договор није постигнут, те је Вукова статуа смештена у двориште Задруге, у Улици краља Милана број 19, и тамо остала следеће четири године.

Почетком 1937, током припрема за обележавање 150. годишњице Вуковог рођења обновило се питање локације за споменик. Задруга и аутор предложили су да се споменик постави у парку испред Студентског дома Краљ Александар Први Карађорђевић, а градске власти да он буде на ободу парка, на углу Булевара краља Александра и Гробљанске (данашње Рузвелтове) улице. Пошто се ближио датум прославе,  Задруга и аутор нерадо су пристали на понуђено решење. Коначно, 7. новембра 1937. године,  свечано је подигнут је споменик Вуку Караџићу. Открио га је тадашњи председник СКЗ, Павле Поповић. Аутор Ђорђе Јовановић из протеста није дошао. Присуствовао је само свечаној литургији у цркви Александра Невског.

И о самом Вуку Караџићу шира јавност заправо зна мало.  Да је рођен у Тршићу (1787),  умро у Бечу (1864), реформатор српског језика, писац српског Рјечника и скупљач народних умотворина.

Али, сем тога, Вук Караџић се бавио и историографским радом. Као учесник Првог српског устанка, спремио је огроман материјал о догађајима све до 1814, као и о владавини кнеза Милоша Обреновића. Године 1828. је објавио рад Милош Обреновић књаз Сербији. Од обимне грађе о Првом српском устанку, Вук је објавио само један део, Правитељствујушчи совјет сербски, у ком је описао најважније битке из Првог српског устанка и неслогу између српских вођа. У неколико историјских монографија Вук је описао најистакнутије вође Првог српског устанка. Ту су Хајдук Вељко Петровић, Милоје Петровић, Миленко Стојковић, Петар Добрњац, Хаџи Рувим... Вук је познатом немачком историчару Леополду Ранкеу дао обиман материјал о Првом српском устанку, на основу којег је Ранке касније написао дело Српска револуција. Вук је дао значајан допринос и српској антропологији и етнографији. Уз етнографске записе оставио је записе и о физичким особинама тела. У књижевни језик је унео богату народну терминологију о деловима тела од темена до стопала. Дао је, између осталог, и своје тумачење везе између природне средине и становништва, а ту су и делови о исхрани, о начину становања, хигијени, болестима, као и о погребним обичајима.



Фотографије: Неда Ковачевић


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MixEnlip | 13/03/2021, 18:09
IMVU is the worlds largest avatar-based social experience taking into account the largest 3D world and catalog that lets you create your avatar and customize your look. Its the ultimate 3D game and social media experience. Its also a great place to meet additional friends.
You can talk once friends, roleplay, dress up, party, go on a virtual date, host an event, and connect a virtual world later millions of others. Its categorically free!
Enter a virtual world and social chat room. IMVU is more than a cartoon simulation - its a virtual moving picture in a 3D world taking into account an avatar that you make, to reflect your suitability of style. choose your own life. And go make new friends that you can talk to nearly shared experiences!
Customize a 3D avatar, personalize your own animated emoji and proclamation friends in super fun talk rooms! Does enthusiasm have you down? make a fun character! Your get-up-and-go life, love liveliness and virtual vivaciousness await in IMVU, a metaverse thats gone no other!
The avatar dynamism is your life, make it what you desire it to be! desire a adore story? Go upon a virtual date. Looking for friendship? You can meet further contacts from all more than the world. desire to explore? A accumulate virtual reality awaits in IMVUs metaverse. want to create a lot of other friends? Host an matter and earn tips!
If youre into fashion, this is your unplanned to dollify yourself higher than and higher than again. create a tone that will back you create additional friends. Shop without limits and dress in the works your avatar to prosecution your style!
Take your friendships to a combine further level. talk in the same way as friends using your personal lively WithMoji. Enjoy the online social game in the same way as your friends, and role pretend your virtual spirit however you desire!
Chat like friends from every higher than the world! Meet further people close and far. The 3D chat gives you full conversations that are more than instant messages.
Change your poses, build up filters and pronounce photos that will allow people something to chat about. The virtual talk gives you a range of emotes, emoji and functions, bringing computer graphics to your 3D avatar.
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belleDer | 12/05/2021, 08:59
The line between social networking and gaming is increasingly blurring, and internet incumbents are taking notice. NetEase, the second-largest gaming company in China (behind Tencent), is among a group of investors who just backed IMVU, an avatar-focused social network operating out of California.

Menlo Park-based Structural Capital among other institutions that also joined in the strategic round totaling $35 million. IMVU has raised more than $77 million from five rounds since it was co-founded by “The Lean Startup” author Eric Ries back in 2004. The company declined to disclose its post-money valuation.

The fresh investment will be used to fund IMVU’s product development and comes fresh off a restructuring at the company. A new parent organization called Together Labs was formed to oversee its flagship platform IMVU, in which users can create virtual rooms and chat with strangers using custom avatars, a product that’s today considered by some a dating platform; a new service called Vcoin, which lets users buy, gift, earn and convert a digital asset from the IMVU platform into fiat; and other virtual services.

Founded in 2005, NetEase is now known for its news portal, music streaming app, education products and video games that compete with those of Tencent. It has over the years made a handful of minority investments in companies outside China, though it’s not nearly as aggressive as Tencent in terms of investment pace and volume.

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ElceJab | 14/11/2021, 02:59

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CS 1.6 is the most well-known and most played multiplayer first person shooter till now. The game is being played in every region of the world. Always in, every gaming cafe, with every computer and Laptop and even on almost Xbox system.
CS Source:
CS CZ is actually a modification of the Half-life game which had already been made in the late 1990's. This FPS game is a tactical and aiming based online shooter which tests the thoughts and responsive abilities of the gamer. Valve Inc took charge of creating this game in the year 2000, rebuilt it by adding some new challenging and epic components to CZ.
One of the timeless features of CS 1.6 is the option to [url=]setup your own server[/url]. This provides a whole new multiverse for hobbiests to create group server and play together. With such a right available to users the modes is never ending. In the 1990s clans must have used Dedicated Servers to run their Counter Strike GO Servers. Nowadays anyone use a [url=]vSphere VPS[/url] and still have a good experience in Counter Strike Global Offensive.
CS Source has been a source of fun for the kids since its release. The question is how? Well, it is actually that kind of game which won’t actually get out of the grace even if one plays it for most of their life.
This is why CS Condition Zero is interesting:
One can simply never get lost with [url=]this game[/url] since it allows the players to customise it according to their style and preferences. One of the main problems of this freedom is called "aimbotting". [url=]CS:S Hacks[/url] are the most exhilirating ability of MMO gaming and most of the gamers have actually become the hackers by the time they're skilled at CS. Some may want to play the game on the starter levels and the maps with which they are used to but the truth is that most of the leet teams just want some different things to peak their interest in the game. LeagueCheats subscriptions works on WarGods, WarGodz, sXe injected, [url=]Esportal[/url], GamersClub, EAC,, 99damage, FaceIT, SoStronk, PVPRO, GOLeague, ChallengerMode, FastCup CSGO, Akros, VAC, VACNET, Gfinity, CEVO, ESL, FaceIT Server Side, SourceMod Anti cheat, KAC, PopFlash, Kickback, and ZenGaming. [url=]CS Hacks[/url]
So, teams can architect many maps for their own feeling or for their root servers. Isn't it beautiful that you play every instance on various maps and then gamers try to get command over that particular level by playing again and again via epic battles. This in my opinion is the singular reason why people never leaving even after tons of sessions.
The maps can be thought up through different programs and software, which are always free to use and one can be the best in it by watching Video tutorials. Most people believe that Counter Strike CZ came with hundreds of levels but the fact is that it came only with some beginner maps but over time the mappers created some new distinct maps on the Valve mapping platform which the users have been downloading them via different websites.
Another piece which is keeping CS Source new and exciting is the ability to make your own dedicated servers. One can make a separate VPS for their own friends so that they can have some brutal battles with each other or they can invite other teams for a match. As mentioned friends can have a [url=]Fast VPS[/url] and always have good games in CS Source.
Again, there are also many interesting sprays available which the users can paint and can spray them on the walls or anything else on servers. The spray logos could show the icon of the particular players or clans.
In other words customizing Counter Strike Source was never simple and easy before. Now one can never get used to this amazing first person shooter game.
Also, basically all the FPS that have multiple modes can have several features that usually provide the teams with noteworthy moments spent in front of the gaming computer. Whether you are a kid or already an adult it is impossible not to have played Counter Strike Source at least once.
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AndrewFlugS | 11/02/2022, 03:38

Seven Things Should know Before beginning Your Home Home improvement

FrankVab | 13/02/2022, 09:39

Your own home you want to renovate your house, so you don’t know where to start, perfect? Well, you’re not alone. Many homeowners dive into the renovation process with no clue of what on earth is available. It’s only after they take renovation mishaps that they rue not having a plan. Without research, the home renovation process is normally full of disappointments because in contrast to building a new house, intending to catch starting with a blank standing. There can be unforeseen expenses coupled with issues that make the process difficult. So before you go down this twists and turns on the renovation path, here are 8-10 things you must know before you start redesigning.
1. Invest in a Key Lockbox.
If you're renovating your home after you actually move into it along with live far away, consider purchasing a key lockbox. If there are often large projects on your tips that you can't do you, you'll need to hire a creator. Remember that contractors start 1st, so unless you want to get in morning rush-hour traffic to let workers inside, will probably attach a lockbox or even install smart door electronics that allows you to provide entry that you guests with a code. It could possibly save you countless hours of time, gallons of fuel, and distressing, early morning wake-up calls.
2. Spend Time in the Space.
Although obvious as it might seem, you will need to hold off on some choices like paint colors, rug, and light fixtures until you hang out in the space you're strengthening. For example , if you want to replace ended up being involved with carpet, the choices can be mind-blowing. Dense or loose cloth? Striated or no pattern? Just the thing exact shade of uninspiring? The answers depend on additional aspects of the renovation, the same as choosing paint colors. Shade palettes selected before the refurbishment started need to be seen within walls and could change since you spend time in the house. Freshly covered walls and new carpeting can reveal that one or two light fixtures just have a tendency illuminate the space as you believed it would. If you spend a great deal time upfront considering the way in which everything works together from the room you're remodeling, you can save your own self several back-to-the-drawing-board moments.
3. Be Realistic About Your Timeline.
Your personal renovation will take longer when compared with expected, so be prepared and also prepare accommodations to avoid frustration. As an example, you might think that replacing almost any whirlpool tub and vintage double vanity in a shower will be quick. Removal of typically the fixtures can take a few hours, however locating a new tub plus vanity you love can take time. It can be another two weeks before they're delivered. An expect of using your new group hall bath within a week is capable of turning into a six-week waiting length. Be realistic about the renovation move to make and timeline and select your individual brand-new updates before having the existing elements removed.
4. Expect the precise Unexpected.
All homes hold secrets, in the walls, within the floors, and elsewhere. Your own personal renovation can bring those so that you can light. Like when your company tells you your floors are going to be uneven due to a shifted central joist while measuring on your highly anticipated new genuine wood floors. Now you need to cope with the home inspector who overlooked it and get the floor joist repaired before the new products can go down. This is 13, 000 example of how you should end up being expecting the unexpected by planning extra time in your renovation chronology and extra money into your refurbishment budget to allow for unanticipated events along the way.
5. Interview A lot of Contractors.
It pays to work interview multiple contractors and overview bids. Suppose you want your own hot water heater removed from typically the upstairs closet and a new one installed in the car port. The first plumber you ask suggests he plans to service charge $6, 000 and would most likely reroute hot water lines. cutting off into your living room tray roof covering to do so. The second plumber defined it was too much work. Plumber three plans to finish the career in a day and charge $3, 285 with no water company rerouting needed. Without finding multiple contractors, you perform the risk of paying too much while not getting what you want. It pays to accomplish your homework and get in touch with several experts before making one last decision.
6. Renovate Your Kitchen First.
Homeowners typically want to know in what order in order to renovate a house. It’s advised to start with the kitchen because these remodels add major value comfortableness. According to the National Association of the Remodeling Industry’s 2019 upgrading impact report, realtors imagine that homeowners can bring back 59% of the cost of earnings kitchen renovation if they claim their home. Plus, if you have a great outdated kitchen, upgrading the actual worn-out space will let you a great deal better enjoy the space while you’re home. Practically speaking, you could do the kitchen remodel primary because that work will create probably the most dust and debris, that you can won't want landing for new paint or finish off jobs. It's always a good idea to isolate any demolition mess by way of putting plastic over options or pass-throughs. Since a big kitchen remodel typically takes virtually a year to complete, you’ll want to make a temporary substitute kitchen during the dining room, family room, or another endways area in your house.
7. Turn out to be Specific About Design Recommendations.
You'll want to narrow down your structure preferences before you meet with an interior designer. Get inspiration caused by browsing home decorating magazines, interior decorating websites, and design signifies. Getting a handle on a structure direction will help you avoid being talked into a designer's particular ideas, which might be different from your own vision for the renovation. Similarly, keep your designer strictly roof top budget. Don't allow them to attain expensive materials and cost a fee for it later. If you make an effort to stay within a specific period of time, your costs will stay decrease, too.
Additional information at [url=][/url]


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Joshuadum | 15/04/2022, 06:16

Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced anecdote difficulty…
You understand, I’ve unfaltering to invent a hysterical video object of my a-one friend. We experience innumerable low-grade videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to make out a shelter recorder on my phone, but it’s so spell consuming. I’m not satisfied with many apps exchange for downloading content anon from collective networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to [url=]growth hack instagram
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I would be appreciative for the purpose any advice.
And btw regretful for my unpropitious English :)
I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.


BrianTiz | 15/04/2022, 08:13

Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced anecdote difficulty…
You be familiar with, I’ve evident to create a funny video object of my a-one friend. We have innumerable low-grade videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to make a shelter recorder on my phone, but it’s so ever consuming. I’m not satisfied with heterogeneous apps for downloading thesis as soon as from collective networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to [url=]instagram scraper follower growth data
[/url] It’s opportune, works closely adequately, no additional actions are needed. But still… It takes time again to download a heinous handful of videos.
Dialect mayhap someone habituated to it? How do you like it? Or do you distinguish a good alternate to this app which works faster?
I would be thankful in place of any advice.
And btw apologetic for my bad English :)
I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.


JeremyEmows | 15/04/2022, 10:08

Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced anecdote problem…
You know, I’ve unfaltering to create a slapstick video someone is concerned my most appropriate friend. We be undergoing various common videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to make out a shelter recorder on my phone, but it’s so time consuming. I’m not satisfied with various apps for downloading theme as soon as from common networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to [url=]instagram growth strategy 2022
[/url] It’s convenient, works self-indulgently ample supply, no additional actions are needed. But still… It takes beforehand to download a enormous handful of videos.
Peradventure someone tolerant of it? How do you like it? Or do you be familiar with a passable selection to this app which works faster?
I would be grateful for any advice.
And btw sorry for my unpropitious English :)
I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.


Donaldorarf | 16/04/2022, 18:58

Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced one quandary…
You be versed, I’ve evident to spawn a slapstick video object of my a-one friend. We experience innumerable regular videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to make out a shelter recorder on my phone, but it’s so ever consuming. I’m not satisfied with various apps after downloading thesis directly from group networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to [url=]forum gram growth app for instagram like comment
[/url] It’s handy, works fast reasonably, no additional actions are needed. But suppress… It takes time to download a extensive handful of videos.
Maybe someone tempered to it? How do you like it? Or do you certain a well-mannered alternate to this app which works faster?
I would be appreciative in place of any advice.
And btw apologetic for my unpropitious English :)
I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.


HarveyCreew | 17/04/2022, 01:31

Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced a particular dilemma…
You know, I’ve unfaltering to initiate a merry video object of my a-one friend. We be undergoing innumerable low-grade videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to compel a cover recorder on my phone, but it’s so spell consuming. I’m not satisfied with heterogeneous apps for downloading content anon from social networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to [url=]instagram/support of student growth center
[/url] It’s handy, works firm adequately, no additional actions are needed. But in any event… It takes time again to download a extensive number of videos.
Maybe someone tolerant of it? How do you like it? Or do you know a good alternate to this app which works faster?
I would be thankful for the purpose any advice.
And btw sorry for my unpropitious English :)
I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.


JamesAcida | 17/04/2022, 02:55

Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced at one difficulty…
You be familiar with, I’ve unfaltering to initiate a hysterical video someone is concerned my most successfully friend. We enjoy various common videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to take in a screen recorder on my phone, but it’s so time consuming. I’m not satisfied with heterogeneous apps for downloading volume as soon as from collective networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to [url=]icons growth highlight instagram
[/url] It’s handy, works closely adequately, no additional actions are needed. But suppress… It takes beforehand to download a enormous number of videos.
Peradventure someone used it? How do you like it? Or do you certain a well-mannered alternate to this app which works faster?
I would be thankful someone is concerned any advice.
And btw apologetic for my bad English :)
I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.


Michealjunty | 17/04/2022, 04:23

Hi guys!:/
I’ve faced anecdote problem…
You know, I’ve unfaltering to spawn a slapstick video for my most appropriate friend. We enjoy various regular videos but they all are in Instagram or Facebook accounts.
I’ve already tried to make a shelter recorder on my phone, but it’s so ever consuming. I’m not satisfied with diversified apps after downloading content as the crow flies from social networks.
Most of them are awful. I’ve found the way to [url=]average instagram follower growth locowise
[/url] It’s convenient, works closely ample supply, no additional actions are needed. But still… It takes time again to download a enormous number of videos.
Peradventure someone used it? How do you like it? Or do you certain a gracious selection to this app which works faster?
I would be thankful for any advice.
And btw sorry for my unpropitious English :)
I’ll give you my feedback a little bit later.

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